Are You Caring for an Elderly Family Member?
Caring for the elderly can be a daunting task. Worrying about money and a place for your family member to live can take its toll; mentally and financially. Even someone who has carefully saved for their retirement can be bankrupt after a catastrophic illness. This can leave a healthy spouse devastated financially.
Finding the right long-term care facility can also be challenging. Which place is the right place? Can you trust the facility? And how will you pay for it. Nursing home care on average costs over $8000 per month. One in three adults over the age of 65 will require long term care. Planning before the need arises can alleviate much of the mental and financial stress that comes with caring for an elderly family member.
If you are already in crisis mode, we can still help. Our attorneys are experienced in long term care planning, including Medicaid and Veteran’s Benefits. We can also help guide you in choosing a long-term care facility.
Medicaid, Veteran’s Benefits, Long Term Care Facility Planning, Wills and Trusts
Another issue that arises with elderly patients is improper hospital discharge. Your family member has rights under Medicare. No transfers should occur until a proper plan to assure a safe and appropriate setting with all necessary post-discharge services is fully coordinated to optimize the patient’s quality of care. Anything less should be appealed.